Planning approval
Green light at Bishops Green!
Basingstoke and Deane have approved reserved matters details for 42 new homes in Bishops Green.
The Noble Consultancy secured Reserved Matters planning approval for 56 homes at Parcel P9, Badbury Park, on 23 June 2020. This is the first reserved matters approval within Phase 3, which will eventually deliver an additional 300 new homes at Badbury Park, Commonhead, following Outline permission S/20/0233. Phase 3 provides an extension to the Badbury Park estate which has already delivered c. 1,000 new homes.
The Noble Consultancy provided architectural services to persimmon Homes Wessex in support of a detailed reserved matters application. We look forward to continuing working with Persimmon Homes at Commonhead and across the region.
Planning approval
Basingstoke and Deane have approved reserved matters details for 42 new homes in Bishops Green.
Planning approval
Planning approval has been secured for 110 much-needed new homes in Sholden, Kent, amidst archaeological constraints.
Planning approval
As the first month of 2025 comes to an end, we wanted to recognise what an incredible year of partnerships, collaborations and achievements 2024 was for The Noble Consultancy