Bishops Cleeve


Persimmon Homes and Charles Church Group

Key facts:

  • 170 new homes
  • Contemporary adaption of Group house types
  • Technical expertise

Feasibility planning and design services for 160 dwellings as part of a mixed-use development, extending the settlement boundary of Bishops Cleeve, a village to the north of Cheltenham.

History of site

This site was predominantly used agricultural land situated on the urban fringe of Bishops Cleeve.  It comprised of several medium scale agricultural fields associated with Dean Farm and was previously managed as a grazing pasture. The site was promoted through the planning process and identified as a suitable location to meet local housing need.

The project

The site had the benefit of Outline Planning Permission when The Noble Consultancy were engaged and instructed to prepare and submit a Reserved Matters planning application. The first stage was for feasibility sketches to be prepared by the design team for the first 160 houses in this development.

The design process

Using the client’s house type range, hand-drawn feasibility sketches were prepared which followed the Parameter Plans approved at outline stage.  These sketches were aligned to the principles of each character area as set out within the Design Principles document.

Particular consideration was given to how buildings responded to character areas and street hierarchy and the placement of key focal buildings played a central role in the preparation of detailed layout and elevational proposals.

Generally, a landscape-led approach was taken with the layout, with a particular emphasis on the green infrastructure framework. The site’s existing framework of hedgerows and public rights of way formed the basis for a network of green corridors which accommodate pedestrian and cycle routes, link up the pockets of green open space within the development.

A fabric-first approach was applied to building design which focused on maximising the performance of the building materials and reduce carbon emissions.  Secondly, a conscious effort was made in regard to building orientated to maximise benefit from passive solar gain with the addition of solar panels provided on all dwellings.

Project challenges

This project proved to be very straightforward including a very positively received Planning Application which was approved within the permitted timelines.


The designs were unique with respect to the individual house type elevation designs derived from the client’s house types. In addition, the site layout design demonstrated how the open spaces could be integrated into the built form to give the appearance of a less dense layout.


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  • Feasibility Planning

    Feasibility and concept design are the initial steps in developing design options for your residential development project. Our feasibility planning service evaluates the commercial potential of a piece of land before creating concepts and architectural design solutions that augment the development potential.

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  • Town Planning

    Town Planning is about much more than just submitting planning applications. There are many facets of planning and our planning team have expansive knowledge of planning matters, having accumulated many years experience working within the residential industry.

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  • Technical Drawings

    Key to the delivery of any residential project is the production of clear and concise technical working drawings in a time efficient way. We produce fit for purpose economical technical solutions that comply with all necessary building regulations using the latest Autocad or Revit software.

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  • Landscape Architecture

    Landscaping is an integral part to any successful development. At an early stage of the design process we identify the key landscape features for retention and potential new areas for enhancement. Our in-house landscape architecture team can devise hard and soft landscape schemes that not only perform a function but also add to the aesthetic quality of a development.

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  • Masterplanning & Urban Design

    From small rural or urban infill sites, to large-scale, brownfield, regeneration and greenfield urban extensions; we provide everything from concept plans and development framework plans to detailed masterplans and parameter plans, based on well-established urban design principles.

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  • Graphic Communication

    Communicating visions and detailed proposals through graphics is a key element of architectural design. Creating the best user experience and visual representation of our design proposals is what we do. From 2D plans to 3D axonometric projections and perspective visualisations, we employ various techniques and media such as hand-drawn sketches, digital photo editing and CAD software layout tools.

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